
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

I Can See Clearly Now

Last night my husband and I viewed Emilio Estevez's movie The Public.    It was released in theatres on April 5th and has a limited run.  I'm sure it is not a coincidence that the movie's release was just before National Library Week,  which was celebrated April 7-13th.  Another item that has not escaped my attention is Mr. Estavez's attraction towards movies about libraries. Fans of 1980's films will remember John Hugh's hit movie The Breakfast Club quite well and Estevez's role in that iconic movie.  Seems he likes the idea of being detained in a library.   Personally, who could blame him for wanting to be surrounded by books all the time?  Not a bad way to be punished if you ask me.  Then again, I connected so personally with this movie that at several points in this movie I understood exactly how Mr. Stuart Goodson felt.    If you will allow a little departure from the normal routine of this blog,  I'd like to shed a light on my career as a librarian and how this blog was started as

One of the key moments of this film is when Angela, Stuart Goodson's soon to be the love interest, poses the question,    "What made you choose to be a librarian?"  His response, "I ask that myself every day."  That was my own #metoo moment.  The exact moment when I realized that I've been asking myself this same question for over ten years.  Don't get me wrong.  I love my profession.  However, full-time jobs in libraries are hard to come by due to budgets constraints.  This situation has left myself and many of my peers to work part-time jobs and freelance on the side to pay the bills. Why do I stay?   Why do I continue to advocate for the good that libraries do? Honestly,  I can not think of any other profession I want to be a part of and work in.  They say if you love what you do, you'll never have to work.   So far, I haven't had one day where I wished I were somewhere else.  The libraries I've worked in have given me a reason to wake up each morning and ask "What adventure awaits today?"  So how can it be work if I'm going on an adventure?

It wasn't always like that.  As a bright-eyed graduate fresh out of college with my Master of Science in Library Science in hand, I was not setting out to change the world but to simply be employed. There's nothing wrong with that.  In fact, many people follow that same path.  For some, it worked for them.  For others, it didn't and they refocused their energies to another line of work.    For me,  I was fortunate to become a Library Director right out of the gate.  It wasn't until mid-2006 that my library career took a financial dive. Still employed but working part-time with side gigs.  Not the ideal situation, but I made it work.      Through the years, working in a library taught me many things about society, management and serving the public.  What I have come away from all of this is that working in a library is not for the faint of heart.   It was not until this time when I began thinking about what legacy I would want to leave behind.  What would my body of work in libraries say about my contributions?

 A  few years ago  I realized where my contribution lied and hopefully long after I'm gone will be the legacy of which I may be remembered.   This has become the heart of librarianship in my eyes.  For every child, I read a book to,  my career has far exceeded my expectations for fulfillment in my job.  Those moments of pure joy, sharing a story have forever changed my view of the world.  Why?  Because, I got to see them through the eyes of a child and see the wonder, the awe and the good that children see.  What I've also discovered is that children are naturally color blind.  They don't judge on the fact of skin color but they do respond to someone who is paying attention to them.  Helping them.  Reading to them.  Offering them a safe place to connect with others and be themselves.

For every patron who has had problems paying their electric bills because money is too tight,  I am reminded that the library is for everyone, rich and poor alike.  For those who are living beneath their means, the library is a life saver.   The internet is free,  the help is free and no one is judging them about why they can't pay their bills.  I saw the relief in folks eyes as they were given an opportunity to keep the gas or the electricity on or two more weeks while they figured out how they would come up with the payments with the aid of a social worker.   It's a relief that only people who struggle would understand.

For every pet rock painting craft program that has left the children's room a little messier and a bit louder, I am reminded that inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes.  Mostly inspirations can come from a community coming together to create something wonderful.  Sometimes making noise in the library is a good thing. Something as simple and fun as painting rocks. And a few laughs along the way never hurts!

For every patron that came into my library and was exhausted from basketball practice outside the library and wanted only a drink of water, I am reminded that everyone thirsts for different needs.  Some for knowledge.  Some for water.  Others just want a quiet place to sit and listen to music or a favorite podcast.   The library is for everyone.

For every patron that comes to the reference desk looking for information that will point them in the right direction for whatever reason, spiritual, medical or educational, I am reminded that although the answer may seem easy or trivial to one person, it could be the difference between hope and despair to someone else.  In all honesty,  I do believe that the library is the last Beacon of hope for a free society.  What other institution in our society promotes, advocates and encourages people to read, to grow, and discover new things?

I can finally say I can see clearly how my choice of becoming a librarian has been a life changing for myself.  I've learned much from every patron, and every situation I have encountered in the library.   It is my intent that from what I have gained I give back ten folds to the patrons, whether they are young or old, rich or poor, white or black, in the communities I serve.   For every obstacle that life throws into our way,  it's always a sun-shiny day at the library.

 Back to discussing the film The Public.  Do I recommend it?  Absolutely!  Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 59% rotten.  I say they got it all wrong.  Incidentally, so do 97% of viewers who saw the movie and rated it on Rotten Tomatoes.   Perhaps Rotten Tomatoes critics gave it such a low score because they are not like this librarian whose main ambition is to help readers discover their world one story at a time.  This film's story needed to be told.  Kudos Emilio!  You have done well.  A sincere thank you as well, Emilio.  In two hours time,  you've reminded me why it is that I became a librarian  I'm sure my story is not unique.  It wouldn't surprise me if a hundred more librarians were celebrating a sun-shiny day too!

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