
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pass On The Joy Of Reading Donate A BooK!

This month libraries will be celebrating National Library week beginning April 10th. One may think that for many libraries there is not be much to celebrate because of budget cuts, library closings or staff furloughs. As any optimist will say, there is still plenty of other positives to celebrate when it comes to our nation's libraries. For example, in the past year, library usage has risen. Proving that there is still a need for libraries in growing communities. Corporations have also come to the aid of libraries in unique ways such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations Geek The Library. The Direct Brands' Book-of-the-Month Club has formed a partnership with the Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends, and Foundation (ALTAFF) to support libraries with an old idea but with a new twist. On their 85th Anniversary, Direct Brands' Book of the Month Club is promoting for the first time National Donate A Book Day beginning on Thursday, April 14th. Pardon the pun, but what a novel idea!

Many avid libraries users are aware of the policies of local libraries concerning donating personal books. This national day is for everyone else, who ever thought, "I have books that I haven't read in years, where can I donate them?" The answer to that is your local library. To participate all one has to do is go through their private library, find gently used books that are in good reading condition and bring them to the library. Its spring cleaning time anyways, right? This is the perfect way to clear out some books, and help the library at the same time.
Libraries would welcome books for readers of all ages, which includes books children have outgrown.

Libraries have always counted on the support of library users to keep the doors open. In these financially strapped times, the idea for this day is long overdue. It is a creative spark libraries need in trying new ways to fill the community's needs. Hats off to Direct Brands' and ALTAFF for promoting a positive and effective way to support America's libraries. If there is an award for BFF of American Libraries, it should go to them. However, they can not make this day a huge success alone. They will need library supporters to spread the word to friends and family. One way to accomplish that is to go wall next week and share this information with friends. A good book should not sit on a shelf and collect dust. It should be shared, don't you agree?

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